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Helmer Challenges Government on Climate Commercial

Tuesday, 13th October 2009

An East Midlands MEP, Roger Helmer, has condemned the government's new climate-change commercial as "one-sided, biased and partisan". Helmer has written to the Advertising Standards Authority asking them to review the government's commercial to see if it meets their criteria for honesty and fairness.

The commercial features a child's bed-time story about the dangers of carbon dioxide, which it presents as fact, without any mention that the science is disputed. Helmer argues that the timing of the government's commercial is particularly ironic, since, he says, doubts over man-made climate change are increasing. He cites a recent BBC report confirming that global temperatures have been static or declining for ten years, and a recent Sunday newspaper headline "Everything you thought you knew about Climate Change is Wrong".

Speaking in Brussels yesterday, Mr. Helmer said:

"It is scandalous that the government is spending tax-payers' money on this deeply biased campaign, which seems to be aimed at frightening children unnecessarily, and promoting unsubstantiated scientific speculation as fact. It is equally scandalous that the government is pursuing a programme of wind energy which according to a recent OfGem report will increase energy prices by at least 14% and perhaps up to 60% in real terms by 2020".

Roger Helmer MEP has published, with the Bruges Group, a book on the climate issue entitled "Cool Thinking on Climate Change: Why the EU's climate alarmism is both mistaken and dangerous".