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This section of the website is dedicated to keeping you informed about what's going on in Brussels and Strasbourg, and how it could effect the East Midlands. Click on the headline to see the full article.

EU Peace Prize "Brings award into disrepute" - Friday, 12th October 2012
UKIP MEP Roger Helmer has joined with his Party Leader, Nigel Farage, in slamming the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union.

Ofgem statement confirms UKIP’s blackout warning - Friday, 5th October 2012
Power regulator Ofgem has issued a statement warning that “an unprecedented combination of events” has “increased the threat to consumers’ energy supplies”, with the possibility of power shortages and blackouts as early as 2015. A key factor is the closure of coal-fired power stations to conform to the EU’s Large Combustion Plant Directive.

Why is the taxpayer funding Green lobbying? - Tuesday, 19th June 2012
Latest research by the Taxpayers Alliance has disclosed that major environmentalist groups have received nearly €100 million via EU funding since 1997 under the LIFE+ programme. Britain's contribution to this figure is around £7.5 million which could rise if the EU's plans to increase its budget are not vetoed. Over 19 groups have received more than £1 million in subsidies, including Friends of the Earth, the recipients of £6 million, who brought legal action against the British Government over cuts in solar subsidies

Greece can't deliver on austerity - Monday, 18th June 2012
Responding to the Greek election result, East Midlands UKIP MEP Roger Helmer has warned that Greece can’t deliver. “Let’s be clear”, he says. “The Greeks have voted by a narrow margin to endorse a commitment which they are totally unable to fulfil. Greece is in a debt spiral. The Greek economy is shrinking. Tax revenues are in free fall. The economic plans approved by the EU and insisted on by Germany are simply undeliverable

Cameron "The best federalist outside the Eurozone" - Thursday, 14th June 2012
A prominent MEP and former Prime Minister of Belgium, speaking in the European parliament in Strasbourg today, has described Prime Minister David Cameron as "The best Federalist outside the Eurozone"

MEP demands enquiry into RSPCA's politically motivated prosecutions - Tuesday, 15th May 2012
Roger Helmer MEP, UKIP Member of Parliament for the East Midlands, has today written to the Charity Commission to call for an investigation into the apparently political activities of the RSPCA, which appears to be in breach of its charitable status.

New Team, New Office for MEP - Wednesday, 9th May 2012
East Midlands MEP, Roger Helmer has taken lease of a new office, choosing to stay in the Leicestershire town of Market Harborough. The office, which is on the main Leicester Road, offers an ideal location from which Roger can engage with the concerns of his constituents

MEP Demands Action over BMI Pensions Fiasco - Wednesday, 9th May 2012
East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer, UKIP's Spokesman for Energy & Industry, has today written to Steve Webb MP, Minister for Pensions, on behalf of constituents and former employees of the nairline BMI, who will suffer serious losses on their pensions as a result of the recent sale of BMI to International Airlines Group (British Airways). British Midland Airways, formerly owned by Deutsche Lufthansa, has told existing BMI pensioners that changes are being made ahead of the takeover.

Roger Helmer MEP meets Canine Partners charity - Wednesday, 21st March 2012
Earlier this week Roger Helmer MEP, who represents the East Midlands regions, was invited to Champneys Springs Health Farm at Measham for a demonstration by the charity Canine Partners, and a presentation on their major new project, a new dog training centre at Fields Farm, Osgathorpe near Ashby-de-la-Zouche in Leicestershire.

Time for a new look at beer tax - Wednesday, 14th March 2012
New UKIP MEP for the East Midlands Roger Helmer calls on Chancellor George Osborne to reduce the beer tax in the next Budget. Britons now pay 40% of all the beer tax in the EU -- but drink only 13% of the beer! Time for a Change.

Dismay at prospect of "EU-wide tax" - Thursday, 23rd February 2012
Roger Helmer, MEP for the East Midlands region, has spoken out in support of his ECR colleague, Kay Swinburne who is the Conservative spokesman on economic and monetary affairs in the European Parliament, as she expressed her dismay over news that the introduction of an EU-wide tax rate may have come a step closer.

East Midlands MEPs back bikers' EU protest - Wednesday, 22nd February 2012
Yesterday East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer met with Derbyshire Motorbike Action Group, to discuss their growing concerns about European legislation affecting the biker world and industry. >Motorbike Action Group representative Paddy Tyson contacted all five East Midlands' MEPs to discuss their worries about the European Commission's proposal for New 'Type Approval' Rules and the impact these would have on motorbike enthusiasts in the East Midlands and beyond.

EU Commission massages its figures on Financial Transaction Tax - Monday, 6th February 2012
The European Commission's decision to rewrite its own damning impact assessment on proposals for a Financial Transaction Tax - so that it is more favourable towards the proposal - is a clear indication it is putting its political agenda above jobs and growth, Roger Helmer MEP said, as he spoke in support of his colleague, Kay Swinburne MEP.

MEP backs calls to scrap EU Employment Directorate - Thursday, 2nd February 2012
Local MEP Roger Helmer today backed calls by Conservative Martin Callanan, Chairman of the Conservative Group in the European parliament, to scrap the the Employment and Social Affairs directorate in the European Commission, saying that employment directives were acting as barriers to jobs. He also criticised the EU's proposed Fiscal Treaty, recently vetoed by the Prime Minister.

Tories block "damaging" pest-control ban - Thursday, 19th January 2012
Pressure from Conservative MEPs has averted EU plans to ban Britain's most commonly-used rat poison from general use. Earlier clauses in draft legislation on pest-control materials called biocides could have banned farmers and other property-owners from using Difenacoum, a widely-used rodenticide in the UK.

Resignation Postponed: A Short Personal Statement - Wednesday, 18th Janaury 2012
In October, I announced my intention to resign from the European parliament on Dec 31st. I was asked by our Delegation Leader Martin Callanan to postpone that date to Jan 20th to cover some key votes in Strasbourg in January, which I agreed to do. However I have not yet signed the Parliament’s formal deed of resignation.

Now EU bullies demand end to British rebate - Wednesday, 14th December 2011
Senior EU figures are out to end Britain's hard-won European Union rebate as an act of vengeance for David Cameron's wielding of the UK veto at Friday's Summit.

European Parliament goes on a buildings spending spree - Wednesday, 14th December 2011
Despite the eurozone crisis and austerity budgets in countries across the continent, a European Parliament committee has approved a massive spending spree on property - to create more office space for MEPs and staff.

EU mortgage legislation must not penalise buy-to-let landlords - Wednesday, 30th November 2011
The EU's "Save the Euro" Summit in Brussels is in danger of putting a sticking plaster over a gaping wound, a local MEP has warned.

Summit sticking plaster on a gaping wound - Wednesday, 26th October 2011
The EU's "Save the Euro" Summit in Brussels is in danger of putting a sticking plaster over a gaping wound, a local MEP has warned.

Tory MEPs vote for pay freeze - Wednesday, 26th October 2011
Plans to increase the European Union budget by more than five per cent - despite the financial crisis ravaging the continent - were condemned today by Conservative MEPs Emma McClarkin and Roger Helmer as economic madness.

Tories will fight Brussels power grab on energy - Wednesday, 7th September 2011
Under new rules proposed today (Weds) by German Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, European governments negotiating energy agreements with non-EU states would have to submit them to Brussels for approval by the Commission.

Conservatives blast "out of touch" EU spending plans - Wednesday, 6th July 2011
Conservative MEPs yesterday told the EU Commission President that he must think again about the EU's "out of touch" plans to demand more money from taxpayers. Jose Manuel Barroso, outlining his budget plans to the European Parliament sitting in Strasbourg, was told the proposals were "absolutely wrong" in times of economic crisis.

“Stop Euro funds for wind farms” says MEP - Tuesday, 5th July 2011
A Euro MP from the East Midlands has called for over one billion euros of funding for UK wind farms to be switched off. In a debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Philippe Maystadt, was warned that the funding of industrial wind developments is “an unfolding financial scandal” that the EIB should no longer support.

MEP is target of Spanish scam - Thursday, 23rd June 2011
MEP Roger Helmer, who has campaigned to raise awareness of European scam letters, has himself been targeted by a letter from a Spanish company asking for his full bank and personal details. His main concern is not that he in particular has received such a letter, but about the dangers of such letters being sent to vulnerable constituents in the region.

Local MEP calls for review of Bombardier decision - Wednesday, 22nd June 2011
A local MEP has written to Transport Minister Theresa Villiers asking her to look again at the decision not to put the new rolling-stock procurement contract with Bombardier in Derby, and arguing that while EU procurement rules seem to offer a level playing field, they disadvantage countries like the UK which play be the rules.

European Arrest Warrant needs urgent reform, MEPs tell commission - Thursday, 9th June 2011
Euro-MPs, in a rare display of unity, have called on the European Commission to look at reforming the European Arrest Warrant so that it is only used as a tool against serious crime and terrorism, and not petty misdemeanours.

MEPs call for European Parliament to have just one seat - Wednesday, 8th June 2011
In a significant vote today in the European Parliament, MEPs, including East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer, have overwhelmingly called for the institution to end its monthly relocation between Brussels and Strasbourg, which costs around 200 million Euros and emits around 20,000 tonnes of CO2.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight brought to Brussels - Tuesday, 31st May 2011
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has brought his BAFTA-winning 'Fish Fight' to Brussels, boosting the long-standing efforts of East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer to end the practice of dumping perfectly edible fish overboard.

'More Money' is not the answer to Europe's crisis - Tuesday, 31st May 2011
A temporary committee set up to investigate the causes of the economic crisis is mistakenly calling for more EU integration to prevent a future crisis, says Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands.

MEPs make unacceptable demands for next long-term EU budget - Thursday, 26th May 2011
MEPs yesterday adopted proposals for the next seven year budget of the EU which are 'wholly unacceptable' and call for a five percent budget increase, said East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer today.

MEP backs Cllr Bullock in local elections - Saturday, 30th April 2011
With less than a week until the local elections Roger Helmer MEP has joined Councillor Jonathan Bullock of Queen Eleanor and Buccleuch ward for a day of canvassing in Geddington.

Federalist MEPs want one constituency: Europe - Wednesday, 20th April 2011
The European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs committee yesterday called for 25 MEPs to be elected to represent the constituency of Europe, Roger Helmer MEP, warned. Both Labour and Liberal Democrat MEPs voted for the proposals this morning.

EU desperately tries to create military role for itself in Libya - Wednesday, 13th April 2011
The European Union is trying to create a military role for itself in the Libya crisis. At its Council meeting on 12 April, it decided that, if requested by the UN, it will conduct a humanitarian assistance operation, "EUFOR Libya".

No more money for EU Political Parties, say local MEPs - Wednesday, 6th April 2011
Today MEPs in Strasbourg voted through a measure which will give more power and more funding to EU political Parties. Although the measure was approved by more than five-to-one, East Midlands Conservative representatives Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin voted against. The new rules would allow these EU parties to campaign, and use tax-payer funds, in national referendums.

Conservatives call for EU budget “freeze” - Friday, 25th March 2011
The EU should agree to a “freeze” on its 2012 budget whilst making sure it obtains better value for money, says Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, after a debate was opened on the issue in the European Parliament.

Osborne’s Budget welcomed by East Midlands MEPs - Thursday, 24th March 2011
George Osborne’s Budget, which was announced yesterday in the House of Commons, has been welcomed by East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin MEP. Families across the region will already benefit from the immediate cut in fuel duty by 1p per litre and the subsequent delay of April's inflation rise in duty to next January. This means fuel duty is 6 pence lower than it would be under Labour.

Common EU tax base proposal completely misses the point - Wednesday, 16th March 2011
Plans published today for a common EU-wide method of computing corporate taxes are unnecessary and could damage countries that choose to have more competitive corporate tax regimes, warns Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands.

France clings to the Travelling Circus - Tuesday, 15th March 2011
The European Parliament's "Travelling Circus" -- twelve trips from Brussels to Strasbourg every year at a cost to tax-payers of £200 million --has been widely condemned as wasteful. Last month, the parliament voted to telescope two such visits into a single week. This would be a small step to save money, reducing Strasburg from twelve to eleven weeks a year.

Jan Zahradil MEP elected chairman of the Tory MEP group - Friday, 11th March 2011
The election of Czech MEP Jan Zahradil as leader of the new ECR (European Conservative & Reformist) Group leader in the European Parliament has been welcomed by Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands. Mr Zahradil, from the Czech ODS party, was elected this week to lead ECR in Brussels. Mr Zahradil beat British Conservative MEP Timothy Kirkhope in the race for the post.

MEP demands EU fisheries reform - Wednesday, 9th March 2011
Yesterday East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer attended the Strasbourg launch of a new MEP pressure group calling for a change to the EU fisheries policy of "discards" -- the practice under which thousands of tons of perfectly good fish which are excess to quota are thrown back dead into the sea each year. The meeting was also attended by EU Fisheries Commissioner Mrs. Maria Damanaki.

EU squanders taxpayers' money on US campaigns - Wednesday, 9th March 2011
An East Midlands MEP has challenged the European Commission over its spending on political campaigns in the USA.

Labour MEPs vote for EU taxes on the city - Tuesday, 8th March 2011
A new tax on the City of London, controlled by the EU, has come a step closer after Labour MEPs backed a European Parliament call for an EU Financial Transaction Tax (EU FTT), Roger Helmer MEP, warned today.

MEP takes part in EU debate at Leicester Grammar School - Friday, 18th February 2011
Last Friday Leicester Grammar School conducted a debate on the motion "This House believes that the benefits of EU membership outweigh the costs". Speaking for the motion was Lib Dem MEP Bill Newton Dunn, while Conservative Roger Helmer MEP spoke against. The event was moderated by Mr. Trevor Allen, the Head of the Sixth Form.

Celebrating East Midlands Cheese in Strasbourg - Thursday, 17th February 2011
At a European regional cheeses promotion last night in the European parliament in Strasbourg, East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer took the opportunity to sample two cheeses from the region -- a Long Clawson Blue Stilton, and a Red Leicester, served with a glass of cider from Melksham, Somerset.

Helmer challenges Labour on costly Strasbourg travelling circus - Friday, 11th February 2011
Latest European Parliament research suggests that 70% of MEPs want to drop Strasbourg. Moving to one seat instead of the current Travelling circus would save UK taxpayers £28 million a year.

Local MEP backs call to oppose EU budget hike - Thursday, 3rd February 2011
Roger Helmer, a Conservative MEP representing the East Midlands, has urged his local colleagues in District and County Councils throughout the region to oppose any further increases in the EU budget. He has circulated a resolution adopted by Medway Council in Kent, calling on the government to block the proposed increase. This resolution has also separately been circulated by his Conservative colleague Dan Hannan MEP (South East).

EU cancels Christmas, sparking MEPs' protest - Thursday, 20th January 2011
Roger Helmer, an East Midlands Conservative MEP, has voiced his outrage at the EU Commission's decision to distribute 3 million diaries featuring the feast days of many faiths, but with no reference to Christmas -- or any other Christian festival. The diaries have been sent as a "gift" from the Commission to young citizens in schools across Europe.

Conservatives raise home heating oil prices with commission - Thursday 20nth January 2011
Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, is joining fellow Conservatives in the European Parliament in calling on the Commission to address consumer concerns regarding hikes in domestic heating oil prices.

MEP meets with National Farmers Union - Monday, 10th January 2011
Roger Helmer, an East Midlands Conservative MEP, met with representatives of the NFU during a meeting last week at Southfields Farm, Somerby, Melton Mowbray

Climate campaign delayed by extreme cold - Thursday, 9th December 2010
With wonderful irony, a regional billboard campaign planned by East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer to draw attention to the dangers of "green" climate policies was delayed -- by the cold weather! While the Met Office warns of global warming, it was so cold in the East Midlands that the paste wouldn't stick to the hoardings.

MEP Challenges Climate "Hysteria" - Monday, 6th December 2010
An East Midlands MEP has launched a campaign to challenge what he calls "Climate Hysteria". Conservative Roger Helmer MEP believes that current changes in climate are entirely driven by natural forces, and that policies designed to mitigate climate change by cutting CO2 emissions, although hugely expensive, will achieve nothing.

Learn the lessons of the euro crisis, says MEP - Thursday, 25th November 2010
Tory Roger Helmer has expressed his concern that many who wanted Britain to join the euro have failed to face up to their error, and some are still holding important positions -- not least Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who apparently still believes that the UK should give up the Pound Sterling “when the time is right”.

MEP attacks Irish loan plan - Monday, 22nd November 2010
An East Midlands MEP has condemned the coalition government’s plan to contribute £7 billion to the Irish bailout. Conservative Roger Helmer has said that helping Ireland because they are a trading partner is like a company lending money to a bankrupt costumer so that they can continue trading. He compares it to attempting to pick ourselves up by our own boot laces.

MEP’s fury at postponement of Strasbourg travelling circus vote - Wednesday, 20th October 2010
Local Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has expressed his dismay at the European Parliament’s decision to postpone a planned vote on the European Parliament’s calendar, which could have seen the annual number of plenary weeks in Strasbourg reduced from twelve to eleven.

MEP addresses energy engineers at Nottingham Conference - Friday, 15th October 2010
Local MEP Roger Helmer addressed a Conference organised by the Minerals Engineering Society at the Hilton Hotel in Nottingham yesterday evening. Mr Helmer spoke to the engineers about Britain’s needs for coal and nuclear energy, as renewable energy would not meet the demands of a growing economy.

Fuelish EU oil drill moratorium defeated by Tory MEPs - Tuesday, 12th October 2010
A crude knee-jerk proposal before the European Parliament to call a moratorium on all deepwater oil drilling was rejected last week in Brussels thanks to an amendment submitted by Scottish Conservative MEP Struan Stevenson.

Local MEP backs EU Referendum Demand - Wednesday, 8th September 2010
Local MEP Roger Helmer has backed a national campaign, launched by his colleague Dan Hannan MEP (South East), calling for a national referendum on British membership of the EU. The EU Referendum Campaign (EURC) is a cross-party initiative calling for the public to have a say on whether Britain is governed from Westminster of Brussels.

EU rebate must stay, says local MEP - Wednesday, 8th September 2010
Britain's multi-billion-pound annual rebate, which was famously secured by former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and is estimated to be worth £3.25 billion this year, is at risk of being clawed back by the EU.

Energy Secretary’s pro-wind stance attacked by MEP - Monday, 26th July 2010
A local Conservative MEP has attacked the announcement over the weekend by Lib-Dem Energy Secretary Chris Huhne of a major extension of wind power, both on and off-shore, and that there would be not a penny of support for nuclear power.

EU attempts to ban a dozen eggs - Tuesday, 29th June 2010
New legislation being considered by the EU would block shops from selling food by quantity and restrict them to sell by weight only. The move, if implemented, would see a dozen eggs become a thing of the past.

Armed Forces Day gets MEPs' backing - Thursday, 24th June 2010
Armed Forces Day is an annual opportunity for communities and businesses to show their support for the men and women who make up our forces and this year’s on Saturday 26th June has the backing of both local Conservative MEPs.

Self-employed drivers face more EU red tape - Wednesday, 16th June 2010
The European Parliament has thrown common sense to the wind and voted to tie up self-employed drivers in additional red tape that will have no clear safety benefits, Roger Helmer MEP said today.

At last, some good news on climate - Friday, 21st May 2010
This week the American Heartland Institute hosted a Climate Conference in Chicago, and East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer was there. The aim of the Conference was to challenge the conventional view on climate change, and to set out alternative analyses which are gaining increasing traction in the scientific community.

Cameron right to rule out Euro, say MEPs - Friday, 30th April
David Cameron yesterday pledged that a Conservative government would never join the euro, and would keep the pound as our currency. East Midlands Conservative MEPs Emma McClarkin and Roger Helmer believe this is crucial for the region and the nation.

Nuclear power better value than windfarms - Daily Telegraph - Thursday, 15th April 2010
Green MEP and Brighton parliamentary candidate Caroline Lucas argued this morning on the Today Programme that we should reject nuclear energy because “there are cheaper ways of cutting CO2 emissions”.

MEP backs calls from balloonists - Wednesday, 14th April 2010
Ballooning enthusiasts are blighted with European legislation that negatively impacts on both recreational and commercial hot air ballooning. East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer, following letters from several constituents, has met with representatives from the British Balloon and Airship Club and neighbouring West Midlands Conservative MEP Philip Bradbourn to discuss the legislation.

Spanish Government faces flak over property scams - Tuesday, 23rd March 2010
Yesterday in the European parliament's Petitions Committee, the Spanish government attracted widespread condemnation for Spain's failure, over many years, to act on extensive property scams, affecting British and other buyers of Spanish holiday and retirement homes.

Postponement of damaging maternity proposals by Tory MEPs - Friday, 12th March 2010
The European Parliament had planned to grant pregnant women twenty weeks of maternity leave on full pay without an investigation into the impact this would have on businesses or on the individual’s right to choose their maternity leave.

Wonky fruit rules are bananas! - Friday, 12th February 2010
Fruit and veg are under the EU spotlight again as Spanish MEPs have moved to get the EU to re-impose its ban on misshapen fruit and vegetables. Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, condemns these moves as ludicrous.

No UK money for Greek bail-out - Thursday, 11th February 2010
A local MEP has insisted that no British tax-payers' money should be used to fund the proposed bail-out for the stricken Greek economy. Commenting on the fact that Prime Minister Gordon Brown last Wednesday refused to rule out a British contribution, East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer argued that if the Euro-Zone was unable to put together a rescue plan, then Greece should go to the IMF

Letter to the Independent - Sunday, 7th February 2010
You report that Exxon-Mobil has given "hundreds of thousands of pounds" to climate sceptics. Yet you make no reference to the hundreds of millions of pounds expended by governments, local authorities, academic institutions, think-tanks and environmental foundations to promote climate alarmism.

Labour and Green MEPs reduce women’s employment prospects - Friday, 5th February 2010
East Midlands Conservative MEPs are extremely concerned by Labour and Green Party MEPs’ amendments to an EU directive on health and pregnant women.

Letter to the Daily Telegraph - Monday, 1st February 2010
The government wants to make substantial cuts to expenditure on higher education. Perhaps they could start by shutting down the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.

Increased allowance a scandal, says MEP - Friday, 29th January 2010
MEPs on the European Parliament’s budgets committee have voted to increase MEPs’ monthly allowances for staffing. Roger Helmer, East Midlands MEP, believes this is a scandalous decision by the budgets committee. Mr Helmer is not a member of this committee and could therefore not vote on this decision.

MEP demands enquiry on climate data - Thursday, 21st January 2010
Speaking in Strasbourg in a debate on an EU Commission statement on the December climate conference in Copenhagen, East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer demanded a full public enquiry into the data on which the theory of man-made global warming is based.

Conservative MEPs warn of new sheep tagging law - Thursday, 14th January 2010
Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin have warned that East Midlands sheep farmers will face substantial new costs in complying with a redundant new EU requirement to electronically tag their flocks, which has been in place from 1st January. They believe this new law is nonsensical for sheep farmers.

EU Commissioner not up to the job, says MEP - Wednesday, 13th January 2010
At a Confirmation Hearing in the European parliament in Brussels today, the Commissioner-Designate for Employment, Laszlo Andor, came in for some tough questioning from East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer, who has served for many years on the parliament's Unemployment Committee.

MEPs Disappointed by Baroness Ashton - Tuesday, 12th January 2010
MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin are disappointed but unsurprised by the performance of Baroness Ashton, the newly appointed High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, in a three hour question and answer session with MEPs.

ClimateGate: The climate scam is exposed - Tuesday, 24th November 2009
East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has hailed the leaked e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU), which undermine the case for global warming. The CRU is one of the world's leading sources of climate data, and works closely with other similar units in the USA and elsewhere.

Helmer Hails Climate Poll - Saturday, 14th November 2009
East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has welcomed a new opinion poll published in The Times on Nov 14th showing that less than half of voters believe that human activity is to blame for climate change.

Brussels legislation will hit pension funds hard - Tuesday, 10th November 2009
Following meetings in Brussels today Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has warned pensioners in the East Midlands that proposed legislation could reduce their income and push up premiums by between 15-20%.

Lib Dems put British jobs at risk through 'rabid' green agenda - Thursday, 5th November 2009
Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, is angered that British Liberal Democrat MEPs would rather see jobs lost in key British industries than take a pragmatic approach to climate change challenges.

Helmer steps down as Conservative spokesman on Employment - Thursday, 5th November 2009
Roger Helmer MEP has published an article regarding his position on the Party's new EU policy, and in that article he states that he has resigned as Conservative spokesman on Employment in the European parliament. For the avoidance of doubt, and in response to media enquiries, he wants to make clear that he has not resigned from the Party or from the parliament. He continues to be a Conservative MEP.

Now is not the time for six billion euro increase to EU’s budget - Thursday, 22nd October 2009
East Midlands’ Conservative MEP Roger Helmer is angered that in the midst of a recession the European Parliament was today voting on putting extra billions onto the EU’s budget lines. The Budget Committee had proposed increasing the budget for 1010 by six billion Euros.

Asylum should be granted by national governments - Thursday, 22nd October 2009
East Midlands MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin warn that the EU is set to announce new rules today that will determine who is entitled to refugee status in the UK.

More bad news for fishermen - Tuesday, 20th October 2009
Roger Helmer, East Midlands’ Conservative MEP, has warned that British fishermen should brace themselves for more bad news in December. This is when EU ministers meet to agree fishing quotas and the European Commission on October 16th has proposed further quota cuts.

Helmer Challenges Government on Climate Commercial - Tuesday, 13th October 2009
An East Midlands MEP, Roger Helmer, has condemned the government's new climate-change commercial as "one-sided, biased and partisan". Helmer has written to the Advertising Standards Authority asking them to review the government's commercial to see if it meets their criteria for honesty and fairness.

Commission bought Irish Yes, says Roger Helmer MEP - Saturday, 3rd October 2009
Roger Helmer, East Midlands’ Conservative MEP, issues a stinging criticism of Brussels’ intervention in the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. He accuses the European Commission of “buying” the Yes vote in the Irish referendum on the Lisbon treaty -- and buying it with tax-payers’ money.

MEP accuses Commission of intervention in Irish referendum - Thursday, 1st October 2009
Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has denounced the European Commission's unlawful behaviour in spending taxpayer's money in Ireland in what he termed a clear case of "deliberate political intervention in a referendum in a member state".

What a lot of cobblers - Thursday, 1st October 2009
Mediterranean high end shoe manufacturers are trying to keep up the cost of ordinary leather shoes on UK high streets, to protect themselves from cheaper imports from China and Vietnam, Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said today.

Conservatives protect self-employed drivers - Tuesday, 29th September 2009
British Conservatives in the European parliament's Employment Committee have succeeded in stopping a move by Socialists to end the opt-out, under the European Working Time Directive, for self-employed mobile workers (effectively, self-employed drivers).

New Commissioner-designate stuns MEPs with Lisbon Treaty gaffe - Thursday, 3rd September 2009
East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has today congratulated his colleague Nirj Deva, for his question to the Belgian nominee Karel de Gucht over the EU’s deliberate crushing of informed debate on the notorious Lisbon Treaty, something which Mr Helmer has been opposing since it was first proposed.

EU refugee plan must not place new burdens on the UK - Thursday, 3rd September 2009
A plan published by the European Commission, which could see the UK forced to take refugees from overburdened countries, has noble aims but it must not tie Britain's hands regarding who it accepts and grants asylum to, Roger Helmer, the Conservative MEP for the East Midlands said today.

Conservatives are a broadly eurosceptic party - Sunday Telegraph - Sunday, 30th August 2009
You report that in the latest euro elections, over 25 per cent supported eurosceptic parties. But you did not include the Conservatives. We are a broadly eurosceptic party. As my colleague Dan Hannan says: "The EU is making us poorer, and less democratic, and less free."

Thanks a watt for ridiculous ban on light bulbs - Thursday, 27th August 2009
East Midlands Conservative MEP, Roger Helmer, has today called on the European Commission to rethink its ban on incandescent light bulbs. From the 1st September, shops will no longer be able to buy in 100 watt incandescent light bulbs, although present inventories can be sold until they run out.

MEP calls for action on Derby Two - Tuesday, 25th August 2009
Roger Helmer, the Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, spoke out today about the two Derby men who have been extradited to Latvia.

The NHS: Time for a dispassionate look - Saturday, 15th August 2009
Roger Helmer, the Conservative MEP for the East Midlands, has this weekend spoken out about fellow MEP Daniel Hannan’s comments about the National Health Service.

Brussels petition for truckers - Friday, 24th July 2009
A petition protesting against French blockades of the Channel ports was handed in to the European Commission in Brussels on Wednesday, by the Federation of Small Business, backed by Conservative MEP Roger Helmer.

Tory MEPs push for EU funding for local rail improvements - Thursday, 2nd July 2009
Conservative MEPs are backing an EU funding bid for train line improvements that will help take freight off the region's busy roads. East Midlands Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin and have written to the European Commission to press it to grant EU funds for rail upgrades to the Felixstowe-Nuneaton (F- 2- N) railway line.

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