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EU attempts to ban a dozen eggs

Tuesday, 29th June 2010

New legislation being considered by the EU would block shops from selling food by quantity and restrict them to sell by weight only.

The move, if implemented, would see a dozen eggs become a thing of the past.

East Midlands Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Emma McClarkin have said that the proposal will be fought at the European Council as the UK’s food law does allow the labelling of pre-packed foods by number.

When the proposed law to only allow food to be sold by weight reaches the European Parliament MEPs will then have the opportunity to scrap this legislation.

Roger Helmer comments from Brussels:

“First they tried to ban pounds and ounces, then bendy fruit and veg, and now some within the EU have turned to attacking groceries labelled by number.

“This plan would mean that each egg box would have to be weighed individually, adding costs to producers who would then pass it on to the consumer. It would also bring unnecessary confusion to shoppers who have always bought eggs by number.”

Emma McClarkin adds:

“It is little wonder that people are cracking up with the EU when it comes forward with laws such as this. We will be fighting this ridiculous rule when it comes back to the European Parliament.”