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This is for people who want more information on actual reports/legislation going through the Parliament.

Preview of Strasbourg Session (16 - 19 January 2006)

Catania - Citizenship of the Union - fourth report (LIBE) (INI)
Debate: Mon 17:00-22:00 Vote: Tues 12.00
This report presents the Commission's Fourth Report on Citizenship of the Union (1 May 2001 - 30 April 2004). The purpose of the report is to present developments relating to EU citizenship and related rights and to assess the provisions strengthening the rights of Union citizens.
Conservatives will vote against along with the EPP-ED.

Prets - Combating the trafficking of women and children (FEMM) (INI)
Debate: Mon 17:00-22:00 Vote: Tues 12.00
This report suggests strategies to prevent the trafficking of women and children who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
Conservatives may have a separate whip.

Oral Question - WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong
Debate: Mon 17.00-22.00 No Resolution
There was limited progress at the WTO Conference in Hong Kong in December. Although the talks did not collapse, they showed how difficult it will be to reach agreement on tougher questions in the years ahead.

Seppδnen - Inclusion of the Maldives in the list of countries covered following the Indian Ocean tsunamis of December 2004 (BUDG) (Consultation)
Debate: Mon 17:00-22:00 Vote: Tues 12.00
This report supports the Commission's proposal to include the Maldives in the list of countries covered, following the Indian Ocean tsunamis of December 2004.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hairiri - Rule 134 (LIBE)
Debate: Tues 09.00-11.50
This is a Proposal for a Council regulation imposing specific restrictive measures against certain persons suspected of involvement in the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Jarzembowski - Market access to port services (TRAN) (Co-decision, 1st reading)
Debate: Tues 09.00-11.50 Vote: Tues 12.00
Parliament will be voting on the original Commission proposal as the report was rejected in committee. The proposal does not open the market in a way that is beneficial to the UK.
Conservatives will have a separate whip.

El Khadraoui - External Aviation Policy (TRAN) (INI)
Debate: Tues 09.00-11.50 Vote: Tues 12.00
This report aims to put in place measures that have a common application across the EU towards airlines based outside the EU.
Conservatives will have a separate whip.

Zile - Relations with the Russian Federation and China in the field of air transport (TRAN) (INI)
Debate: Tues 09.00-11.50 Vote: Tues 12.00
This report welcomes the Commission's proposals for comprehensive aviation agreements with China and the Russian Federation.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Fruteau - Common organisation of the markets in sugar (AGRI) (Consultation)
Debate: Tues 15.00-17.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
Fruteau - Support schemes for farmers (Sugar) (AGRI) (Consultation)
Debate: Tues 15.00-17.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
Fruteau - Restructuring the sugar industry (AGRI) (Consultation)
Joint Debate: Tues 15.00-17.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
The three Fruteau Reports represent the EP's position on the reform of the EU sugar regime. These reports are tightly linked and, overall, propose a price cut for sugar of 30% over four years, call for the smallest farmers to receive a proportionally greater share of the available compensation, preserve the intervention system for a further four years, stipulate that growers should receive 50% of the restructuring aid, lay down measures to regulate supply in view of the EBA agreement and increase the energy crops premium to encourage non-food uses for sugar beet. On 24 November, under the UK Presidency, the Council reached a political agreement on the reform of the sugar regime, before it had received the Opinion of the Parliament. It is believed that the Council will make no changes to this position, regardless of the outcome of the vote in Parliament. Conservatives are likely to have a separate whip on one or more of the Fruteau reports.
Conservatives may abstain on the first report.
Conservatives will have a separate whip on the second report.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED on the third report.

Korhola - Application of the Aarhus Convention to EC institutions and bodies (ENVI) (Co-decision, 2nd reading)
Debate: Tues 21.00-24.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
Originally, the Aarhus Convention came into force in 2001 and attempted to provide access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. This proposal for a regulation is a horizontal legislative instrument by which the provisions of the Aarhus Convention can be applied to EC institutions and bodies.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Sjφstedt - Management of waste from extractive industries (ENVI) (Co-decision, 3rd reading)
Debate: Tues 21.00-24.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
Parliament will be voting in this third reading whether to approve the Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on the management of waste from extractive industries. The directive aims to reduce the amount of hazardous waste
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Maaten - Bathing Water (ENVI) (Co-decision, 3rd reading)
Debate: Tues 21.00-24.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
Parliament will be voting on whether to approve a third reading of the Bathing Waters Directive which aims to increase the quality of bathing waters in European waters. The Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee sees an increase in the standard of the "sufficient category" of bathing water, but reduces the number of waste tests required. Water quality signs will also have to be posted in areas where bathing is authorised.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Ferreira - Sustainable development strategy (ENVI) (INI)
Debate: Tues 21.00-24.00 Vote: Wed 12.00
This own-initiative report is presented in order to offer an initial stocktaking of the EU's Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) and to identify future orientations. The rapporteur identifies social, environmental and democratic challenges that need to be met in order to produce an effective SDS including the need for climate policy, better water use, protection of biodiversity and regional development programmes.
Conservatives may vote with the EPP-ED.

Costa - Statistics of goods transport by inland waterways (TRAN) (Co-decision, 1st reading)
Vote: Tues 12.00
This report deals with a proposal for a regulation of the Parliament and Council on statistics of goods transport by inland waterways.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Crespo - Protocol to the framework trade and cooperation agreement with Korea, following enlargement
Vote: Tues 12.00
This report approves the conclusion of the Protocol which takes into account the accession of the ten new member states in 2004.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Voggenhuber/ Duff - Structure, subjects and context for an assessment of the debate on the EU (AFCO) (INI)
Debate: Wed 15.00-17.30 Vote: Thurs 12.00
This report was drawn up in response to the European Council decision in June 2005 to set in train a period of 'dialogue or reflection' on the future of the EU. The report calls for a European Constitution to be in place by 2009.
Conservatives will have a separate whip.

Tannock - European Neighbourhood Policy (AFET)
Debate: Wed 21:00-24:00 Vote: Thurs 12.00
The report focuses on spreading democracy, enhancing security and creating a wider free trade zone. It argues that the EU must provide strong incentives, including when appropriate, the possibility of eventual EU membership.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Vlasto - Implementation of the European Charter for Small Enterprises (ITRE) (INI)
Debate: Wed 21:00-24:00 Vote: Thurs 12.00
This report presents the 5th annual implementation report on the European Charter for Small Enterprises. It highlights the importance of small enterprises in delivering the Lisbon objectives on growth and jobs.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

Onesta - Standards of good conduct for Members (AFCO)
Debate: Wed 21:00-24:00 Vote: Thurs 12.00
This is a proposal for a European Parliament decision on the amendments to be made to the Parliament's Rules of Procedure relating to standards for the conduct of MEPs. The report follows a series of incidents in the Chamber in recent years that have led some to suggest a need for better definition of the conduct to be observed by Members and ways of encouraging compliance with standards of conduct and penalties for breaches of standards of conduct if necessary.
Conservatives will have a separate whip.

Estrela - The future of the Lisbon strategy from a gender perspective (FEMM)
Debate: Thurs 10.00-11-50 Vote: Thurs 12.00
This report sets out the case for measures to promote employment, the quality of employment and social inclusion of women, with a view to achieving the Lisbon objectives.
Conservatives may have a separate whip.

Oral Question - Disability and Development
Debate: Thurs 10.00-11.50 Vote: Thurs 12.00
In a question to the Commission, John Bowis will highlight the need for the EU's development policy to take into account the needs of disabled people.


Commission Statement - Homophobia in Europe
Debate: Mon 17.00-22.00 Vote: Tues 12.00
Motions for resolutions Wed 11 Jan 18.00
Conservatives may have a separate whip.

Commission Statement - Climate Change
Debate: Mon 17.00-22.00 Vote: Tues 12.00
Motions for resolution Wed 11 Jan 18.00
Conservatives may vote with the EPP-ED.

Council Statement - Presentation of the programme of the Austrian Presidency
Debate: Wed 09.00-11.50

Council & Commission Statements - Chechnya after the elections and civil society in Russia
Debate: Wed 15.00-17.30 Vote: Thurs 12.00
Motions for resolution Wed 11 Jan 18.00
The Delegation Spokesman believes that Russia (which has just assumed the G8 Presidency) is increasingly demonstrating authoritarianism internally with a lack of commitment to democracy, transparency in government or human rights. Alongside this, there is increasing centralisation of powers in the Kremlin and a foreign policy based on its virtual monopoly of gas and oil supply to Eastern Europe.
The recent elections in Chechnya leave a lot to be desired in terms of international democratic standards, although the centre-right opposition gaines seats and it is right for the European Parliament to keep up the pressure on the Government to bring those responsible for atrocities to justice.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.


Vote: Wed 12.00
Conservatives welcome the successful elections in Afghanistan whose role as a stable country is critical in the fight against international terrorism and combatting the heroin export trade. It is important that the EU continues to support reconstruction of the country and we all hope that areas like the participation of women in the democratic and educational system will be further encouraged.
Conservatives will vote with the EPP-ED.

•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 12 - 13 October 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 5 - 8 September 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 4 - 8 July 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 9 - 12 May 2005
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 25th & 26th April 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 7 - 10 March 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 10 - 13 January 2005
•  Plenary Highlights 15 - 18 November 2004
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 13 - 14 October 2004
•  Plenary Highlights 13-16 September 2004
•  Plenary Highlights 29 March - 1 April 2004
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 25-26 February 2004
•  Plenary Highlights 9-12 February 2004
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 28-29 January 2004
•  Plenary Highlights 12-15 January 2004
•  Plenary Highlights 17-20 November 2003
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 5-6 November 2003
  •  Plenary Highlights 20-23 October 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 22-25 September 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 1-4 September 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 30 June - 3 July 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 2-5 June 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 12-15 May 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 7-10 April 2003
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 26-27 March 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 10-13 March 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 10-13 February 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 13-16 January 2003
•  Plenary Highlights 17-20 December 2002
•  Plenary Highlights 18-21 November 2002
•  "Mini" Plenary Highlights 6-7 November 2002
•  Plenary Highlights 21-24 October 2002
•  Plenary Highlights 23-26 September 2002
•  Plenary Highlights 2-7 September 2002