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Long term outlook - Sunday Telegraph - Sunday, 30th December 2007
I was sorry to see you recycling some well-worn climate myths in your piece "Nature's doom is tourist boom" (Dec 23rd). You speak of the threat to polar bears without mentioning recent research showing that the polar bear is doing just fine, with populations increasing -- or that the species survived the last interglacial (120,000 years BP) perfectly well, when temperatures were higher than they are today.

Referendum Protest greets EU Charter - Wednesday, 12th December 2007
Wednesday saw the formal signing in Strasbourg of the EU's "Charter of Fundamental Rights" by the heads of the European Parliament, the European Council and the Commission. But the formal occasion was overshadowed by a noisy demonstration by MEPs demanding a referendum for their constituents on the Renamed Constitution.

Nothing gained but broken sanctions - Wednesday, 12th December 2007
The EU-Africa Summit, which the Portuguese Government pushed ahead with despite a visa ban on President Mugabe, has done little more than delay vital decisions for the future of both continents according to Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Chris Heaton-Harris.

Pint, Pound and Mile Saved! - Wednesday, 5th December 2007
East Midlands Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Chris Heaton-Harris were at the forefront of campaigning to keep legal the use of traditional British Imperial measures following a European Directive which could have meant the phasing out of the pint of milk or beer, a pound of lamb or even the mile for road traffic signs from 2009.

Local MEP hails new St Pancras Station - Monday, 3rd December 2007
East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer has been using the new St. Pancras Eurostar terminal, and is delighted by what he's found. Previously Eurostar services from Brussels and Paris came in to Waterloo. But since Nov 14th, the new high-speed service comes in to St Pancras -- a big advantage for travellers from the East Midlands.

Listen to the people! Helmer tells Spanish PM - Thursday, 29th November 2007
In a full-scale debate on the future of the EU, most speakers praised the Lisbon Treaty, also known as the ‘Renamed Constitution’ East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer reminded the session, and the Spanish Prime Minister, that this was the very Constitution decisively rejected by the French and Dutch voters in 2005.

Dazzled by Europe’s latest vast scheme - Financial Times - Monday, 19th November 2007
With extraordinary presumption, Ronald Vopel in Brussels tells us that our MPs “lack vision”, and should leave the multi-billion pound Galileo project to the European parliament. But that is exactly where the problem is. Euro MPs are dazzled by the European dream.

EU Debate "Defies Democracy" - Thursday, 8th November 2007
An MEP has attacked a debate taking place today and tomorrow in Brussels as "a charade" and "defiance of democracy". Styled an "Agora" (a Greek word meaning market-place or forum for discussion), the event in the European parliament brings together so-called "actors from civil society" to debate Renamed EU Constitution.

Member states must decide immigration policy - Wednesday, 24th October 2007
The European Commission has announced a Blue Card scheme for skilled immigrants, based on the US Green Card. The card would allow suitably qualified people and their families to live and work within the EU.

EU tobacco subsidies are costing British taxpayers - Wednesday, 24th October 2007
In the same week as a report revealed Britons are more likely to die from smoking than the average across the European Union, Conservative MEPs want to cut tobacco production subsidies in the EU to zero, saving taxpayers more than 14 million euros (almost £10 million).

MEP calls for Coal - Tuesday, 23rd October 2007
In a speech in the European parliament last night, East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer called for coal to be a key element in Europe's future energy strategy.

Gordon Brown's great betrayal - Friday, 19th October 2007
East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer has accused Gordon Brown of a "Great Betrayal" over his signing of the European "Reform Treaty", which many people argue is no more than a re-named European Constitution.

Concern as Labour threatens local post office closures - Wednesday, 10th October 2007
The social cost of closing our post offices will strike at the heart of communities across the country, East Midlands Conservative MEPs Chris Heaton-Harris and Roger Helmer said today. The British people are getting a second class treatment from a Labour Government that has shown time and time again it cannot be trusted, they said.

Another MP declares support for leaving the EU - Monday, 8th October 2007
Peter Bone, Conservative MP for Wellingborough, has become the latest Member of Parliament to declare his support for Better Off Out, the cross-party campaign for British independence from the EU. Mr Bone, an experienced businessman who has been in Parliament since 2005, joins MPs, Peers and MEPs in campaigning for Britain to become self governing.

Church dumbs down the Good Book - Tuesday 18th September 2007
A Leicestershire MEP has today expressed his astonishment at the refusal of a local church to allow him to read from the authorised version of the Bible during a church service. Preferring the standard King James version of the Bible he was amazed to be told that it was unacceptable.

European Movement's £¼m from Commission - Leicester Mercury - Monday 17th September 2007
Eric Goodyer of the European Movement has written repeatedly to the Leicester Mercury and on 18th July vehemently insisted that his activities were not financed by the European Commission (and hence indirectly by East Midlands tax payers).

NATO kept the peace, not the EU - Nottingham Evening Post - Wednesday 12th September 2007
Peter Valentine (Letters, 5th September) writes a sentimental letter saying that war is a terrible thing, and that we should be grateful to the EU for stopping it. He is right that war is a terrible thing, but wrong to credit the EU.

On your bike’ says MEP - Tuesday, 11th September 2007
Local MEP Roger Helmer has this week donned his leather jacket and taken part in a thrilling motorcycle ride around the streets of Strasbourg as past of the 11th annual Anniversary MEP Ride at the European Parliament.

MEP goes nuclear in Finland - Monday, 3rd September 2007
East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer travelled to the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Finland last week. The power station is remarkable in that it is funded and owned entirely by the commercial sector, without involving any support from the tax-payer.

Price of mobility scooters to soar - Monday, 3rd September 2007
New EU rules about the classification of motor vehicles could seriously disadvantage disabled people and see the cost of mobility scooters rocket by more than £250 East Midlands Conservative MEPs Chris Heaton-Harris and Roger Helmer warned today.

Orange Kilroy "Taking the pith" - Tuesday, 1st August 2007
Permatanned East Midlands MEP Robert Kilroy Silk has been accused of "Taking the Pith" by his fellow East Midlands MEPs, after statistics showed not only that he misses more than half the votes in the Strasbourg parliament -- but when he does vote, he almost always abstains.

Myth of climate change certainty exloded - Thursday, 5th July 2007
A startling new revelation from the UN's International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) blows apart the myth of scientific unanimity. New information suddenly revealed by the IPCC shows that significant numbers of the panel of 2,500 climate scientists have registered serious concerns, which the IPCC serially rejects even while claiming a "consensus". It is becoming obvious that this climate-change consensus is a journalistic fiction.

Leics MEP meets Gideons in Lutterworth - Tuesday, 3rd July 2007
Lutterworth, Leicestershire - Local Conservative MEP Roger Helmer has been presented with a bible by the Gideons following a visit to their national office in George Street, Lutterworth.