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Thank you Ireland - Letter to the Irish Times - Friday, 13th June 2008
God bless the Irish! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the eighty-percent-plus of my UK constituents who would have voted NO, but were denied their promised referendum.

MEP calls for review of smoking ban - Wednesday, 4th June 2008
At a meeting at the Barley Mow pub in Granby Street, Leicester, on May 31st, local MEP Roger Helmer called for a review of the smoking ban which has led to a serious loss of business for many pubs and bars in the city. The meeting took place in the up-stairs bar of the pub, which before the ban would have been full of customers.

I have done a "U Turn" - Derby Evening Telegraph - Friday, 30th May 2008
I have to admit that over the last nine years, I have - as they say in the tabloids - done a U-turn. I used to believe that the EU was capable of reform. But during my nine years in Brussels I have gradually come to realise that we may win the arguments in Brussels, but we will usually lose the votes. There is an in-built majority in favour of a centralised, harmonised European state.

EU plans higher air fares - Thursday, 29th May 2008
The European Commission plans to include the aviation industry in its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from 2012, piling new costs on airlines already struggling to cope with exceptional prices for fuel. Airlines will be allocated a limited carbon allowance based on historical levels, but will have to purchase more in auctions or in the open market.

High Court orders review of EU referendum decision - Friday, 2nd May 2008
The High Court has just decided that a petitioner, Stuart Wheeler, can pursue a judicial review of the government's decision not to hold a referendum on the Renamed European Constitution. Stuart Wheeler, took a case to the High Court on April 22nd, arguing that the government's breach of its Manifesto Commitment had denied him and other electors their "reasonable expectation", and should therefore be subject to Judicial Review.

Let farmers produce food says MEP - Thursday, 24th April 2008
Food security concerns can be addressed by allowing farmers to produce food free from market and government interference according to Roger Helmer MEP for the East Midlands. The European Parliament is currently debating the issue of food security amid growing global concern at the rise in food prices.

EU renewables plan to cost £160 per household - Friday, 18th April 2008
EU plans call for the UK to increase its use of renewables in the energy mix from the current 5% to 15% by 2020. An independent British government commissioned report for BERR, the Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, shows that these plans will cost between €5 and 6 billion annually. On a per household basis, this could increase the average energy bill for every household in Britain by £160 a year.

MEP Speaks Up for Tibet - Thursday, 27th March 2008
In a speech in the European parliament on Wednesday, East Midlands Conservative MEP Roger Helmer attacked the Chinese treatment of Tibet, and called for serious reconsideration of participation in the Beijing games. During his speech, he displayed the Tibetan flag, which the Chinese government has banned in Tibet.

£600: the price of Free Speech in Strasbourg - Thursday, 13th March 2008
Earlier this week in the European Parliament, Roger Helmer MEP, was among a group of MEPs punished by the President, Hans-Gert Pottering, for taking part in a demonstration in the Chamber in December 07, demanding national referenda on the Lisbon Treaty. Mr Helmer has been subjected to a £600 fine.

EU Anthem: dead but it won't lie down - Thursday, 13th March 2008
The European Parliament meeting at Strasbourg yesterday celebrated its 50th birthday with a concert, at which the European flag was flown, and the European National Anthem (Beethoven’s 9th Symphony) played. Our Labour government has tried to justify its decision to deny a referendum on the new EU Treaty by arguing that the Treaty has dropped the flag and the anthem, the "Constitutional Elements" of the failed EU Constitution.

"New Treaty will undermine EU" says MEP - Wednesday, 12th March 2008
The EU's Lisbon Treaty, regarded by many as essentially the failed EU Constitution by another name, will threaten the democratic legitimacy of the European whole project, according to East Midlands MEP Roger Helmer. Speaking the the parliament in Strasbourg today, he drew attention to the recent postal ballots by the ‘I want a referendum’ campaign in ten Westminster constituencies.

Local MEPs back referendum in Gedling - Wednesday, 6th February 2008
Both Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Chris Heaton-Harris will be attending and supporting the launch of the referendum on the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) in Gedling tomorrow (Thursday). Gedling has been chosen by the ‘I want a referendum’ campaign to highlight the Government’s decision to break its 2005 General Election manifesto pledge.

Work for welfare welcomed by MEPs - Wednesday, 9th January 2008
Conservative MEPs Roger Helmer and Chris Heaton-Harris have welcomed the Conservative Party’s Green Paper ‘Work for Welfare’ which sets out a vision for real welfare reform to help make British poverty history. The principles outlined include respect for those who really cannot work but employment for those who can through assessments and limits to claiming out of work benefits.